Repeat Policy*
Graduate students may be permitted to repeat only one course that was taken at Salem State University for graduate credit (i.e., applied towards a graduate degree) and may only repeat that course once. Petition to repeat a course must be approved by the program coordinator and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Upon approval, the petition will be sent to the Registrar’s office.
Please note: Both grades will remain on the transcript, but only the most recent grade, regardless of whether it is higher or lower, will be used to calculate the student’s graduate GPA.
Exceptions to this policy may be made to meet the approved curricular requirements for particular academic programs but not for individual students.
*The exception to this policy includes the following:
- A student enrolled in the MSW program may only petition to repeat one course in which they earned a grade of “C+” “C” or “C-“. MSW students will not be allowed to repeat a course in which they earned a grade of “F” (see Satisfactory Academic Progress/dismissal policy above).
Practicum Failure Policy
If a student fails practicum for a reason other than an emergency (family or medical) despite receiving appropriate intervention in a timely manner following the student-at-risk process, the student will meet with at minimum,the faculty supervisor to complete a memorandum of understanding outlining the deficit(s) identified and proposing a means of improving the student’s performance in the relevant areas.
This memorandum will address the following:
- Area(s) of deficit in as specific and objective terms as possible
- Amount of time anticipated to address the deficit(s) with a minimum of one year recommended
- Strategies for addressing the deficit(s) which may include but are not limited to: additional work experience, additional classroom based experiences, additional coursework, demonstrated improvement in specific professional aptitudes, etc.
- A signed statement confirming that the student understands that to re-enter practicum s/he must reapply, must provide explicit and convincing evidence that the deficit(s) identified during the practicum and documented on the practicum evaluation have been remediated, that readmission to practicum is not guaranteed, that no hours previously completed will apply, and that a second attempt is final
The terms of this memo will be agreed upon and signed by the student, the coordinator, and the chair of the department.
If a student who fails practicum for a reason other then an emergency wishes to return to Salem State University and have a second attempt at completing practicum, the student will need to reapply for practicum and meet the following criteria and agree to the following understandings:
- Provide explicit and convincing evidence that the deficit(s) identified during the practicum and documented on the practicum evaluation have been remediated
- Any new licensure requirements (additional courses or assessments) that have been implemented since the initial practicum are met prior to entering the placement
- The full number of hours required for a practicum will be completed, none of the hours from the initial attempt will apply
- Unless the student is working as a teacher of record, the student will be placed at our discretion.