Oct 02, 2024  
2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

World Languages and Cultures

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Professor Elizabeth Blood, Chairperson

Professors: John Aske, Kristine Doll, Fátima Serra, Nicole L. Sherf

Associate Professor: Anna Rocca

Assistant Professors: Michelle Dávila Goncalves, Kenneth S. Reeds

Faculty Emeriti

Professors: William C. Clark, Stanley M. Finkenthal, Edwin L. Francis, Alex R. Quiroga

Associate Professor: Harry G. Allard

Programs Offered

Bachelor of Arts – World Languages and Cultures


Spanish Elementary Education (P-6) 
Spanish Professional Studies   
Spanish Secondary Education (5-12) 


World Languages 
Arabic Studies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Programs in World Languages and Cultures

The Department of World Languages and Cultures offers a Bachelor’s degree in World Languages and Cultures, with concentrations in French, Italian and Spanish, as well as Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish. Our minor programs include Arabic Studies, French, Italian, Spanish and World Languages (a combination of any two languages). We also offer language sequences in Mandarin Chinese, German, and Latin. Whether a student opts to take only one or two classes, to complete a foreign language requirement, or to enroll in a minor or major program, our courses are designed to help students acquire the communicative language skills, cultural competency, and analytical ability needed in order to be successful, active participants in the global community.

Students often study languages for personal or academic enrichment, but language learning also has practical implications. The internationalization of the arts, media, politics, education, science and technology, along with the economic interdependence of the world’s nations, and the increasingly multicultural character of American society, have created a very real demand for multilingual professionals in nearly every sector of the economy. Knowing a second (or third) language is a real asset in today’s marketplace, not only because you might need to use that language to communicate with native speakers in the U.S. or abroad, but also because of the personal, cultural and intellectual skills you develop when you learn a foreign language. A major or a minor in a second language are excellent ways to achieve this goal, which is also very favorably viewed by graduate schools and prospective employers.

Bachelor of Arts in World Languages and Cultures

The World Languages and Cultures major sets as priorities the use of language for communication and the integration of culture as central to all learning experiences. The major offers six concentrations: a Spanish Professional Studies Concentration, with a focus on translation and interpretation; Spanish Elementary or Secondary Education Concentrations for teacher preparation in Spanish; and concentrations in French, Italian or Spanish, each with a liberal arts base. Each concentration is comprised of 12 courses (36 credits) in language, literature and culture, with interdisciplinary options in the liberal arts concentrations. All majors complete an experiential learning course (an internship, community service placement, or study-travel project), allowing them to use their language skills in a practical and meaningful way within the local or global community. The Department of World Languages and Cultures also strongly encourages its majors to participate in a study abroad program to perfect their language ability and to learn first-hand about the cultures they are studying in our programs.  Study abroad credits pre-approved by the Department and taken through the Center for International Education may count towards major or minor programs. Students in a major or minor may also receive credit by examination. Acceptable tests are the College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test (currently available for French, German and Spanish), the NYU Proficiency Test, and the Advanced Placement (AP) subject test for a foreign language. See the Foreign Language Requirement section of the General Education Core Requirements section of the Curriculum Overview in the online catalog (catalog.salemstate.edu).

Departmental Honors

Students who demonstrate superior knowledge of the subject area and exemplary participation in co-curricular activities or volunteer service, or study abroad, may apply in writing to the chairperson of the Department of World Languages and Cultures by the end of the second month of their last semester before graduation to be considered for Departmental Honors. In order to be eligible for departmental honors a student must have a grade point average of at least 3.5 in the major.

Phi Sigma Iota: International Foreign Language Honors Society

The World Languages and Cultures department joined Phi Sigma Iota, aninternational honor society, in 2010.  Our first group of honors society members were inducted in spring 2010.  These include undergraduate majors and minors, graduate students in Spanish and faculty members.  New members are requited by invitation from faculty based on exceptional academic achievement in foreign language study.  Find more information about our honor society here http://www.salemstate.edu/academics/23486.php:


Exit Requirement for Majors with Concentrations in Spanish Elementary and Secondary Education

Students completing the Spanish Elementary Education or the Spanish Secondary Education degrees must complete an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI or OPIc) test before graduating. This is a nationally-recognized proficiency exam that is required for accreditation and will enhance your teaching portfolio. Students in other major concentrations and in the minors are also encouraged to complete an Oral Proficiency Interview. See the Department’s Secondary Education Coordinator or the Department Chairperson for information about this test.


The Minors in French, Italian and Spanish

Students wishing to minor in French, Italian or Spanish must earn 15 credits above the elementary level in the language of their choice. Any 5 language courses numbered 200 or higher, will complete the minor. Culture courses taught in English do not count towards the French, Italian, or Spanish minor. Typically, the hours comprising the French, Italian, or Spanish Minor consist of 6 intermediate credits (201 and 202), plus 9 additional credits earned by completing 3 courses chosen from the advanced 200, 300, or 400 series.

The Minor in Arabic Studies

This minor is comprised of 18 credits, including 12 credits of Arabic language, plus 6 credits of support courses chosen from the following: ARA 301 (Advanced Arabic I), ARA 302 (Advanced Arabic II), GPH 237 (Geography of the Middle East), HST 237 (History of the Middle East), HST 372 (History of Islamic Civilization), POL 375 (Politics of the Middle East). Other courses related to the Arabic World may be substituted for the above support courses with permission of the department chairperson.

Credit by Examination

Credits may be granted by examination for students pursuing a major or minor in accordance with previously stated policies. Acceptable tests are the College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test (currently available for French, German and Spanish), the NYU Proficiency Test, and the Advanced Placement (AP) subject test for a foreign language. See the Foreign Language Requirement section of the General Education Core Requirements section of the Curriculum Overview in the online catalog (catalog.salemstate.edu).

Residency Guidelines for Majors and Minors

Transfer courses from other universities and credit by examination: Students may transfer a maximum of 12 credits towards the major in World Languages and Cultures. Students may transfer a maximum of 6 credits towards one of the minor programs (Arabic Studies, French, Italian, Spanish, World Languages). Exceptions may be made by the Department chairperson.

Study abroad credits: Students may apply study abroad credits earned through Salem State University’s Center for International Education towards a major or a minor program, provided that a student in the major takes at least 18 towards the major in World Languages & Cultures at Salem State or that a student in the minor take at least 3 credits towards a minor in Arabic Studies, French, Italian, Spanish, or World Languages at Salem State.

Study Abroad

The Department of World Languages and Cultures strongly encourages study abroad for majors, minors, and any student interested in languages. Students who study abroad are fully exposed to, and immersed in, foreign languages and cultures, allowing for rapid language acquisition and a deeper understanding of a foreign culture. Salem State University, through its Center for International Education (CIE), belongs to the College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS) and it is affiliated with numerous other organizations, such as Academic Programs International (API), and the Center for International Studies (CIS). These organizations offer a wide range of month-long, semester-long and year-long programs worldwide, which are rigorously reviewed by international institutions and accredited agencies. Students may chose a program that matches their interests and apply pre-approved credits towards their major or minor according to the guidelines described above. For more information about these programs, see a faculty member in the Foreign Languages department or visit the CIE Web site (salemstate.edu/cie).

Summer Immersion Programs

The Department of World Languages and Cultures has special relationships with the University of Oviedo in Spain, the Université Laval in Canada and the Università di Firenze in Italy. Month-long intensive summer language programs at these institutions allow students to earn up to 6-9 language and/or culture credits. Semester and year-long study abroad programs are also available in these and many other locations around the world. For more information, visit the Department of World Languages and Cultures website (salemstate.edu/languages).

Foreign Language Requirement

Learning another language and acquaintance with world cultures have extraordinary potential for opening the mind by providing a different perspective on international issues and on cultural and communicative patterns, especially in the globalized and multicultural world we live in now.  That is why foreign language study is an integral part of a liberal arts education and an Arts and Sciences degree. Students may satisfy the Foreign Language requirement (an integral part of most Bachelor of Arts degrees) by demonstrating intermediate-level competency in a language. This is shown by completion of the fourth-semester (202-level) course, an equivalent course (such as SPN 212 [Inactive], SPN 220, and SPN 222), or any higher-level language course (300 or 400 level) in any of the languages we offer. The Foreign Language Requirement does not compel students to start their language studies at the 101 level or to take four language courses, but rather to successfully complete the 202 (advanced intermediate) course, its equivalent, or any higher level course in the language. For other ways to satisfy the Foreign Language Requirement (through examination, transfer courses, proof of graduating from a high school where the language of instruction was not English, or petition for substitution), please consult the Foreign Language Requirement section of the General Education Core Requirement section in the Curriculum Overview of the online catalog (catalog.salemstate.edu).

Division I Literature Sequence Requirement 

The Department offers several literature sequence courses that may be taken to satisfy the college-wide Division I literature sequence distribution requirement, including Continental European Literature I & II (WLC 251 - WLC 252), which is a course in English translation, offered every year; Introduction to Spanish Literature I & II (SPN 401 - SPN 402), taught in Spanish, offered every other year; Hispano-American Literature I & II (SPN 417 - SPN 418), taught in Spanish, offered every other year; or Introduction to French Literature I & II (FRE 401 - FRE 402), taught in French, offered every three or four years.

Language Placement Guidelines 

It is very important for students to begin their language studies at Salem State at the appropriate level. If a student has studied a language in high school or speaks the language due to life experience, he or she should not enroll in the 101-level course. The 101 course is designed for beginners who have very little or no prior experience with the language.

Students who have previous experience in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Latin, or German, should follow the Department’s placement guidelines below and/or consult a faculty member in the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Students who have had prior experience in Spanish and wish to continue their study of Spanish at Salem State are required to take the Spanish Placement test (see below). The AP test, SAT-II subject test, or the CLEP test can also be used to determine placement.

Students who believe they have extenuating circumstances or students who score borderline results should consult with the chairperson in the Department of World Languages and Cultures.

Guidelines for placement 

Level Indicators of Proper Placement
101 No experience in the language (true beginner)
  Less that two years of secondary school study in the language
  Below 400 on the SAT language test
  below 250 on the Spanish WebCAPE placement test

Two to three years of secondary school study in the language

  400-460 on the SAT language test
  251-320 on the Spanish WebCAPE placement test

Three to four years of secondary school study in the language

  461-559 on the SAT lanuaget test
  321-399 on the Spanish WebCAPE placement test

Four or more years of secondary school study in the language

  560-699 on the SAT language test
  400-499 on the Spanish WebCAPE placement test
  3 on the AP subject test

Five years or more of secondary school study in the language

  700 or above on the SAT language test
  500 or above on the Spanish WebCAPE placement test
  4 or 5 on the AP subject test
  Special permission of the Department’s chairperson

Spanish Placement Test 

The WebCAPE Spanish placement test is free for Salem State students and can be taken online at any time to determine placement level. Visit the Language Resource Center’s Web site for details (lrc.salemstate.edu). You may contact the Language Resource Center’s coordinator if you have any questions. The results of the placement test, together with the guidelines above, will be used to determine the appropriate level for placement, preferably with the assistance of a Spanish instructor or faculty advisor.

Department Policies

We recommend that students who earn a grade lower than a C- in an elementary or intermediate language course (101, 102, 201, 202) retake that course before continuing to the next level of language study. In language learning, each level builds on the knowledge and skills from the previous level. Students who earn lower than a C- are not likely to succeed at the next level of language study.

It is considered academically dishonest for native speakers, heritage speakers (those who learned a language through family or life experience), or students with significant prior study of a language (in secondary school or at another institution of higher education) to enroll in elementary-level language courses. Students who intentionally conceal their language background and place themselves into elementary-level language courses may face charges of academic dishonesty which can result in exclusion from the course and the filing of a report of Academic Misconduct. See the University’s policy on Academic Integrity at the end of this catalog for more information about academic dishonesty.

The SSU WebCAPE Spanish placement test may not be used to exempt a student from the foreign language requirement. It is used solely to determine proper placement for students studying Spanish. Students may earn exemption from the foreign language requirement by taking the CLEP test or the AP subject test, or by showing proof of graduation from a high school where English was not the primary language of instruction.

The Department does not offer directed studies for elementary or intermediate language courses. If you need a course in a particular semester and none of our offerings fit your schedule, you must seek alternative course options (i.e., NECCUM network, a transfer course from another institution in the U.S., or study abroad).

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