General Education Requirements
Competencies must be completed within the student’s first 30 credits.
♦ Basic College Mathematics |
♦ Reading Comprehension |
♣ General Education Categories (34-35 credits total)
FYS, W-I, and OC courses must be completed within the student’s first 30 credits. Courses used to satisfy the general education requirements of the university must be taken from a minimum of six different academic disciplines. First Year Seminar and Level I Written Communications courses are exempt from this restriction. Courses may not be used to fulfill both major discipline and general education requirements.
♦FYS | First Year Seminar (Required of all freshmen and transfers with fewer than 15 transfer credits) | 3 credits |
♦W-I | Written Communication Level I | 3 credits |
♦OC | Oral Communication | 3 credits |
PGR | Personal Growth and Responsibility | 3 credits |
CEA | Creative Expression and Appreciation | 3 credits |
HP | The Human Past | 3 credits |
CS | Contemporary Society | 3 credits |
WC | World Cultures | 3 credits |
#SR | Scientific Reasoning Laboratory Course | 4 credits |
Any Scientific Reasoning Course | 3-4 credits |
QR | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 credits |
‡ Written Communication (Level II and Level III)
Courses taken for Written Communication Level II and III may be used to satisfy requirements anywhere else in a student’s program of study where they may apply. Credits will be counted in the area where they apply.
W-II | Written Communication - Level II |
W-III | Written Communication - Level III |
# Scientific Reasoning General Education category courses do not have to be a sequence or be from the same discipline.
Additional Information and Notes
♥ Students may choose to use support courses to satisfy general education categories, but may not be required to do so. Note: If a course is used to satisfy two or more requirements (for example, a support course and Scientific Reasoning requirement), the credits are counted in only one place. Using a course to satisfy more than one requirement does not reduce the credit total required for graduation.
♣ Courses used to satisfy the general education requirements of the university must be taken from a minimum of six different academic disciplines. First Year Seminar and Level I Written Communications courses are exempt from this restriction. Courses may not be used to fulfill both major discipline and general education requirements.
# These Scientific Reasoning General Education Category courses do not have to be a sequence or be from the same discipline.
‡ Level II and Level III Written Communications Courses may be used to satisfy requirements anywhere else in a student’s program of study where they may apply. The credits are counted only in one area.
† 6 credits must be earned in any combination of GLS470 or 485 .
► Science sequence must be chosen from the following list: BIO121/122, BIO131/132, BIO115H/116H, CHE120/121, CHE1310/131, CHE13/221, PHS101/102, PHS211A/212A, PHS221/222.