Feb 09, 2025  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Curriculum Overview

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Academic Writing Standards
Basic Competencies  (Reading, Basic College Mathematics, Computer Literacy)
Restrictions for Completion of General Education Requirements


General Information

There are many ways to satisfy educational and future professional needs through Salem’s undergraduate programs of study. The student should become familiar with the diversity and flexibility of the curriculum, plan all of the elements of his or her program as early and as thoroughly as possible, in consultation with the academic advisor, and keep in mind immediate needs and interests as well as long-range goals. The following should assist the student in understanding the options available and the ways in which those options can be used to create a unified program of study.


The following terms are used throughout the discussion of degree programs and requirements.

A MAJOR is the academic discipline in which a student works in depth as part of a particular approved degree program.

A CONCENTRATION is a particular block of courses or course pattern within a major, intended to provide an emphasis on a specific area within the major curriculum.

An OPTION is a specified group of related courses which may be available within a major. An option may be either (a) a subdivision of a concentration, or (b) a group of courses which is less extensive than a concentration or less tightly focused in a single area than a concentration. A list of available majors, concentrations and options appears in this section.

A MINOR is an academic discipline outside of the major, in which a student develops a subsidiary specialization. Within some academic minors there are various designated course patterns which may be used to fulfill the minor. These alternate ways of fulfilling the minor are called TRACKS.

A list of available minors appears in this section.

SUPPORT COURSES are courses outside the major discipline which are required as part of the major program.

GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS are a group of courses in various fundamental areas of knowledge which are required of all students.

FREE ELECTIVES are undesignated credits. Students may use these credits as they wish, remembering that no more than 55 credits in the major (except in designated programs) may count toward graduation.


Degrees Offered

  1. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). The Bachelor of Arts degree is commonly given in the area of the Humanities or, if the electives in the program are chosen from a broad variety of liberal arts disciplines, in the areas of the Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.
  2. Bachelor of Science (B.S.). The Bachelor of Science degree is commonly given to those students who take both a major and the majority of their electives in one of the three following areas: (1) Natural Sciences, (2) Social Sciences, (3) Education.
  3. Specialized Degrees. The following specialized degrees are offered at Salem State University: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of Liberal Studies, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Bachelor of Fine Arts.

Degree Requirements

Each student must complete an academic major and the General Education Requirements described below. Depending on the degree program and major, a student may also be required to complete minor, support and/or free elective courses. In addition, students in some majors are required to complete a concentration as part of the major.

Note that students pursuing certain curricula such as Art + Design, Business Administration,Computer Science, Education and Social Work, for which standards are set by state standard and/or national accreditation agencies, may not have the range of choice available in other curricula.

Seniors must have completed all degree requirements in order to participate in commencement exercises. Students who meet certain minimum criteria may petition to participate in graduation prior to completion. For full information on these minimum criteria, visit the graduation information section on the Student Navigation Center website.


General Degree Program Structure

  Credit Ranges
  B.A. B.S. Specialized
1. Major Program* 30-42 34-55 33-55
2. General Education Requirements  34-35 34-35 34-35
  a. Written Communication Level II and Level III 6 6 6
3. Foreign Language (when applicable) 12    
4. Minor (when applicable) 15-16 15-16 15-16
4. Support courses ………..Depends on the Major……….
5. Free electives ………..Depends on the Major……….
TOTAL MINIMUM DEGREE CREDITS 120 120-124** 120-125**

* Note: No more than 55 credits in a student’s major field may be counted toward graduation. Exceptions to the regulation may be made for certain programs, but not for individual students.

The combination of any specific mandatory degree requirements outside of the credits required for the general education categories may not exceed 78 credits. These mandatory requirements include major (55 credit maximum), support courses, minor, second major, and foreign language. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances for programs leading to professional certification or licensure, or for programs with clearly defined accreditation requirements or other professional/disciplinary considerations that cannot be met within the 78 credit limit. Any such exceptions granted may require an exemption from the 120 credit degree credit maximum and will only be granted with full documentary justification.

**In some cases, the minimum degree credit totals will depend on selections made in general education requirements by students in majors requiring support courses that carry general education designations.

  Currently Available Academic Majors and Minors

For information on all currently available majors and minors, please visit the Programs of Study  section of the catalog.  

Basic Competencies

Competencies that must be completed within 30 credits of matriculation.

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Basic Mathematics
  3. Computer Literacy
1. Reading Comprehension
  1. By achieving a score of 410 or above on the SAT Verbal examination of the College Entrance Examination Board.
  2. By achieving a designated reading skills level on a standardized test of reading comprehension.
  3. By achieving a grade point average of 3.0 or better after 30 hours of completed course work at Salem State University.
  4. By satisfactorily completing a recommended reading skills improvement program through the Reading Laboratory.
2. Basic Math
  1. By achieving a score of 500 or above on the SAT Mathematics examination.
  2. By achieving a score of 72 on the Accuplacer College - Level Mathematics Test.
  3. By achieving a score in the 50th percentile or above on the CLEP College Algebra-Trigonometry Exam.
  4. By successfully completing MAT 090  (NO DEGREE CREDIT) or any higher number mathematics course.
3. Computer Literacy

Computer Literacy is an understanding of software applications, computer hardware, and social and ethical issues influenced by computer technology. Vital to this literacy is the knowledge of the application of software that increases productivity and aids in decision making in any discipline.

Students may satisfy the Computer Literacy core requirement as follows:

  1. By taking and passing one of the specific Salem State Universitycourses approved as satisfying the Computer Literacy core requirement and identified as such in its Catalog course description. Currently approved Computer Literacy courses include: ART 303 COM 205 , CSC 200A , EDU 407 , IDS 180  , IDS 181 /ITC 181 , ITC 100 , ITC 117 and  . A transferred course, which a student wishes to use to satisfy the Computer Literacy core requirement, must be reviewed and approved in writing by the chairperson of the computer science department.
    1. By achieving a passing score on the on the Accuplacer Computer Literacy test. The examination should be taken within 30 credits of matriculation. The computerized examination consists of assessing knowledge of computer concepts and software applications. Details are provided on the student testing website.
    2. Transfer students should complete the Exemption Examination within their first 30 credits at the University.

General Education Requirements

The General Education Requirements consist of the following:

- Creative Thinking
- Synthesis
- Inquiry and Analysis
- CreativeThinking
- Synthesis
- Inquiry and Analysis



Category Description

Associated Learning Outcomes

1. First Year Seminar 3 cr.

This core requirement (required for all first-year students and transfers with fewer than 15 credits) will introduce students to the experience of academic exploration that is at the hear of a liberal arts education. Through study of one or more compelling quetions or topics in a small seminar setting, students will practice creative and critical thinking as an introduction to academic inquiry. They will develop relationships and practices that allow them to effectively utilize college resources and become members of a community of learners.

- Introduction to LEAP Outcomes
- Inquiry and Analysis
- Critical and Creative Thinking


2. Written Communication (Level I) 3 cr. An introduction to the foundational knowledge, literacies, and composing strategies that will help prepare students for writing across the disciplines, in the workplace, and in their local and global communities.

- Written Communication

3. Oral
3 cr. Students will develop the oral communication skills necessary for effective and ethical personal, professional, and civic communication. They will understand the theories, purpose and value of oral communication, and gain the skills needed to be confident when speaking and presenting from prepared materials, responding extemporaneously to questions and in group communication environments, and using learned critical listening skills to offer feedback to other speakers.

- Oral Communication
- Inquiry and Analysis
- Ethical Reasoning and Action

4. Personal Growth & Responsibility 3 cr. Courses in this category will provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate increased ethical understanding of how their physical, spiritual, emotional, social, environmental, intellectual, financial and/or occupational habits and behaviors impact their personal well-being and their community throughout their life-cycle.

- Foundations and Skills for Lifelong Learning
- Ethical Reasoning
- Information Literacy

5. Creative Expression & Appreciation 3 cr. This requirement provides an opportunity to develop an informed appreciation of the aesthetic and formal properties of the performing, visual, or literary arts. Courses in this category will foster an understanding of these works within the broader context of human life and culture.

- Creative Thinking
- Synthesis
- Inquiry and Analysis

6. World Cultures* 3 cr. Students will explore cultural diversity and worldviews and acquire an understanding of and sensitivity to other cultural perspectives as a way to challenge and enrich their own. This will prepare them to work in an increasingly complex world and to function in the global community.

- Knowledge of Human Cultures
- Intercultural Knowledge and Competence

7. The Human
3 cr. Students will be introduced to a conceptual understanding of the relationship of the past to the present. They will engage the concepts of causality and change over time and develop skills and competencies in comparative analysis and evidence-based interpretation.

- Critical thinking
- Inquiry and analysis
- Information literacy

8. Contemporary
3 cr. Students will be introduced to concepts and theories about and the evidence-based analysis of human behavior, social relations and social institutions in courses that may involve but is not limited to the study of individuals, groups, organizations, and countries.

- Critical thinking
- Inquiry and analysis
- Information literacy

9. Scientific
7-8 cr. This requirement will expose students to scientific inquiry and to scientific methods of exploring the physical and natural world. Students will learn to apply the scientific method and to develop analytical skills. Requires completion of one 4 credit laboratory science course plus one additional course. The two courses do not have to be a sequence or be from the same discipline.

- Knowledge of the Physical and Natural World
- Inquiry and Analysis

10. Quantitative
3 cr. Students will use both quantitative data and abstract quantitative models to compute useful quantities, make predictions, and draw conclusions. Students will learn to communicate using quantitative data, build or select appropriate models, and find appropriate applications for such models.

- Quantitative Literacy

*Courses designated as “Study Abroad” or “Study Travel” that take place outside of the United States can be used to fulfill the “World Cultures” requirement of the General Education curriculum.

** Students must satisfy the University’s Basic Math Competency before registering for a course to satisfy the “Quantitative Reasoning” requirement of the General Education curriculum.
 Total: 34-35 credits (31-32 credits for students who transfer in 15 credits or more)

 Written Communication (Level II and Level III)

Students will also be required to complete two additional written communication courses within their overall program of study at Salem State University. Students will complete a mid-level course (typically at the 200 or 300 level) identified as having an intensive writing component in student’s major, minor, general education or elective courses (W2); and an advanced course (typically 400 level or higher) with an intensive writing component in the student’s major program of study (W3). These courses are credit neutral as they may be used to satisfy requirements elsewhere in the student’s program of study.

Major Program of study refers to those courses listed under “Courses in the Major” on the program flow sheet.

Restrictions for Completion of General Education Requirements

1. Courses used to satisfy the general education requirements of the university must be taken from a minimum of six different academic disciplines. First Year Seminar and Level I Written Communications courses are exempt from this restriction. Discipline is equivalent to the content area which is considered to be represented by the three character subject prefixes used at Salem State University.

2. Courses may not be used to fulfill both major discipline and general education requirements.

Foundation Courses. Students must complete the First Year Seminar, Level I Written Communication and Oral Communication courses within their first 30 credits at Salem State University.

Support Courses and General Education Requirements

A student may elect to use a support course or courses to satisfy general education category requirements, but no flowsheet or automated audit may indicate that specific courses are required in any general education category.

Transitional General Education Requirements

The new general education requirements become effective in fall 2014. The following categories of new students may choose to complete the transitional general education requirements outlined below:

• Freshmen students admitted fall 2014 or later, but before fall 2015;
• Transfer students admitted fall 2014 or later, but before fall 2016, with the exception of students who are admitted to Salem State under the Massachusetts Transfer Block program, whose general education requirements are deemed to have been completed when they enter the University.

All freshmen admitted fall 2015 or later and all transfer students admitted fall 2016 or later will follow the new general education requirements.

Students who matriculated at Salem State prior to fall 2014 may choose to complete the existing core curriculum requirements, the transitional general education requirements, or the new general education requirements that take effect in fall 2014. These students must make the decision no later than May 31, 2015.

For information on core distribution requirements for the core curriculum in effect prior to fall 2014, consult the 2013 undergraduate catalog. Distribution designations are indicated in the course descriptions in addition to the new general education designations.


General Education Category

Core Transition Model


First Year Seminar N/A for Students Admitted Prior to fall 2014. Required for transfer students with fewer than 15 credits and for all freshmen entering after spring 14. 0-3
Written Communication Level I* For freshmen who have not completed ENL102 entering after spring 14 one WI course. For current students and transfer students entering before fall 16 ENL102, 102ESL, 103, 106H or one WI course.* 3
Oral Communication SPC101 or SPC102H or one Oral Communications course 3
Personal Growth & Responsibility SMS194, 195, 196, 360 (Health) or DI Ethics Course or one Personal Growth & Responsibility Class 3
Creative Expression & Appreciation One literature course from approved sequences or one DI course in Theatre, Music, Dance or Art or one Creative Expression & Appreciation Course 3
World Cultures Courses with V Designation, FRE, ITL or SPN course with a DI designation, or Study Abroad or Study Travel Course that occurs outside USA or one World Cultures Course 3
The Human Past One World History Class or one DIII history course or one Human Past course 3
Contemporary Society One DIII Course in Sociology, Economics, Geography, Communications, Psychology, Interdisciplinary Studies or Political Science or one Contemporary Society Course 3
Scientific Reasoning One DII Lab Science + 1 DII other than mathematics and basic computer literacy courses or one new SR Lab Science and one Scientific Reasoning Course 7-8
Quantitative Reasoning Q course or DII Mathematics Course or one Quantitative Reasoning Course. 6
Total Credits:   31-35
Written Communication Level II** Course with W Designation or Level II Writing Course  
Written Communication Level III** Course with W designation or new Level III Writing  

*Students will receive elective credit for ENL101 which is a prerequisite for ENL102 and its equivalents.

** These courses may be used to satisfy requirements elsewhere in a student’s program of study and do not need to add additional credits, similar to the Q, V, W requirements in the pre-2014 core curriculum.

Note: Courses may not be used to fulfill both major discipline and general education requirements and students must take courses from six or more different academic disciplines to satisfy all categories other than First Year Seminar and Level I Writing. This is consistent with the approved policy governing the new general education requirements.

Free Electives

These credits are undesignated. Students may use these credits as they wish, remembering that no more than 55 credits in the major (except in specifically designated programs) may count toward graduation.

Students may want to use free electives to broaden their knowledge of subject areas that relate to their major programs, professional goals, or cultural interests. A student may want to consider using free electives to establish a minor or, together with other credits, to establish a second major.

Academic Writing Standards


The University policy on academic writing standards applies to all course work.

Expository writing assignments may receive a grade of “C” or higher only if the form and content are appropriate for the purpose of the assignment and for the intended audience. Characteristics of expository writing include the following:

  1. A clear thesis
  2. Adequate support for the thesis
  3. Clear and coherent overall structure
  4. Varied sentence structure and expression
  5. Standard usage, punctuation, and spelling
  6. Accurate documentation when necessary

These standards may be amended by the instructor to meet the specialized writing requirements of various disciplines.

Students in all disciplines are encouraged to visit the Writing Center (MH 223) which provides individualized assistance in writing.

Required Course and Exemption Policies for Level I Written Communication

Required Course:
Most students are required to complete one semester of Composition to fulfill the all-college Written Communication Level I (W1) requirement and to advance to Level II (W2) and Level III (W3). Students in most majors fulfill this requirement by completing ENL 110: Foundations of Writing or a version of W1 developed by their academic department.

Exemption Policies:
Advanced Placement Examination. Exemption from ENL 110 (W1) will be granted to students who achieve a score of “4” or higher on the College Entrance Board Advanced Placement Examination for Language and Composition. Students who achieve a score of “3” on the Examination for Language and Composition may be granted exemption from ENL 110 (W1) upon submitting a writing portfolio which is deemed to meet review criteria by a placement and assessment committee. Note that writing portfolios must be submitted by August 25. Exemption carries three credits.

Scholastic Aptitude Test. Exemption from ENL 110 (W1) will be granted to students who achieve either an SAT Writing score of 620 or higher or an SAT Essay sub-score of 10 or higher. (Effective in 2016, the SAT Essay, an optional component of the redesigned SAT, will be required for exemption: the score for exemption to be determined.) Exemption carries three credits.

A maximum award of three credits for ENL 110 (W1) will be granted for students who meet any of the exemption criteria above.

Honors Program:
For students in the Honors Program, ENL 110 H is a required course for all entering honors first-year students. Three English elective credits will be granted to incoming honors students who meet the W1 exemption criteria above in lieu of credit for ENL 110. ENL 110 H, as the only common first-year course for the learning community, orients students to the program and to intellectual inquiry, preparing students for the writing challenges ahead in other writing-intensive honors courses. Students transferring into the Honors Program from another college who have transfer credit in ENL 102 are not required to take ENL 110H. Students who completed ENL 110 at Salem State University prior to acceptance into the Honors Program are also exempted from ENL 110H.

AP Credit Policy for English Literature and Composition:
Students who achieve a score of “4” or higher on the College Entrance Board Advanced Placement Examination for Literature and Composition will earn three English elective credits

 Foreign Language Requirement (0-12 credits, depending on placement)

Who needs to satisfy the Foreign Language Requirement?

All students in Bachelor of Arts programs (except for B.A. Art Majors with concentrations in Art Education, Graphic Design, Interactive Multimedia, Painting, Photography, Printmaking or 3-D Studio and B.A. History Majors with a concentration  in Applied History).

What is the Foreign Language Requirement?

This requirement consists of demonstrating an advanced intermediate level proficiency or higher in a foreign language or American Sign Language.

How is the Foreign Language Requirement satisfied?

1. Satisfaction by college-level language courses

This required language proficiency is typically demonstrated by successfully completing the advanced intermediate level course (4th semester, 202 or equivalent). Thus, students take a maximum of four language courses (two elementary and two intermediate) in order to complete the requirement-but often take fewer if they have studied the language previously. The actual number of courses that needs to be taken depends on the level at which a student places (see the World Languages and Cultures  Department section in this catalog for information on language placement). Two or more years of high-school language courses, for example, may allow a student to place higher than 101 or 102 course in the sequence. The Department’s faculty can advise students on appropriate placement. There is a placement test for Spanish currently available. Students may also show the required proficiency by passing a 300 or 400 level language course conducted in  the target language. Students may also transfer these foreign language or American Sign Language courses from other accredited institutions of higher learning.

2. Satisfaction of the requirement by examination

The requirement may also be satisfied fully or partially by examination, according to the guidelines below. For information on taking these tests, inquire at the World Languages and Cultures Department (available at the department’s site: salemstate.edu/languages).

  1. By achieving a sufficiently high score on the College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Test for a foreign language (currently available for French, German and Spanish). These scores are recommended by the College Board collegeboard.com/clep and carry 6 credits (for 201 and 202).
    • French: 62
    • German: 63
    • Spanish: 66

A minimum score of 50 in either one of these languages exempts a student from the elementary level (101-102) and carries 3 college credits (for 102).

  1. By achieving a sufficiently high score on the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Test for a foreign language (currently available for French, German and Spanish):
    • A score of 5 results in automatic satisfaction of the language requirement; and carries 9 credits (for 201, 202 and the Advanced Grammar course of the particular language)
    • A score of 4 results in automatic satisfaction of the language requirement; and carries 6 credits (for 201 and 202)
    • A score of 3 will exempt students from the 201 level and carries 3 credits (for 201). The student still needs to take the advanced intermediate course (202 or equivalent)
  2. By achieving a sufficiently high score on the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP)Test for a foreign literature (currently available for Spanish only):
    • A score of 5 results in automatic satisfaction of the language requirement and carries 9 credits (for SPN 202, SPN 350,
      SPN 353) 
    • A score of 4 results in automatic satisfaction of the language requirement and carries 6 credits (for SPN 202 and SPN 353)
    • A score of 3 results in automatic satisfaction of the language requirement and carries 3 credits (for SPN 202)
  3. By achieving a score of 12 on the NYU Foreign Language Test

  • A score of 12 on the NYU Foreign Language Test results in automatic satisfaction of the language requirement and carries 6 credits (for 201 and 202).

        e. In the case of American Sign Language, in order to satisfy the foreign language requirement students have to either:

  • Complete a four-semester college sequence in a certified ASL program
  • Pass the Intermediate level of a nationally recognized ASL proficiency test, such as the Sign Communication Proficiency Interview (SCPI). 

3. Exceptional satisfaction through foreign culture course substitution 

Students who have a language-based learning disorder or who can demonstrate a history of extreme difficulty in language learning may petition to take a two semester culture sequence taught in English (SPN 203-204), instead of completing the 201-202 language sequence, in order to fulfill their Foreign Language Requirement. 

Procedures for students registered with Disability Services: Students who have a language-based learning disorder and are registered with Disability Services at Salem State may request from Disability Services that the substitution be granted. Disability Services will determine if the student’s disability is language-based and inform the Registrar’s Office, the Chairperson of Foreign Languages and the student’s major Chairperson if the request is approved. 

Procedures for students NOT registered with Disability Services: Students who have demonstrated extreme difficulty learning a foreign language at the elementary (101-102) level, even if they do not have a documented language-based learning disability, may petition in writing to the Chairperson of the  Foreign Languages Department to satisfy the Foreign Language Requirement by successfully completing the foreign culture two course sequence (SPN 203-204), taught in English, instead of taking the 201-202 intermediate language sequence. The petition will be evaluated by a Review Committee consisting of the Chairperson of the Foreign Languages Department (or delegate), as a nonvoting member, three  faculty members appointed by the MSCA/MTA/NEA (Salem Chapter), and one representative from the Disability Services Office. The recommendations of this Review Committee will be forwarded to the Vice President, Academic Affairs, for final action.  

When to petition: Students who do not have a documented learning disability must attempt to complete the elementary language sequence (101-102) prior to petitioning for a foreign language requirement substitution. Students must also petition for the subsitition before the end of their junior year, as the substitution requires two semesters of coursework.This means beginning elementary language study no later than the beginning of their junior year of coursework, preferably earlier. 

What to submit: The student is responsible for submitting the following documents to the Chairperson of Foreign Languages: 

1. A personal statement explaining the student’s history of extreme difficulty with language learning (lack of time or money to complete the foreign language requirement are NOT acceptable reasons to apply for the petition). Include your student ID number, contact information, and permission for the review committee to view your transcript of coursework at SSU.

2. A letter of recommendation from the student’s elementary-level language instructor, attesting to the fact that the student attended class regularly, completed all assignments, sought extra help, and still could not succeed in the course.

3. A letter of recommendation from the student’s major advisor, supporting the petition and the reasons why he or she believes the student should be granted a substitution.

4. Any other documents the student feels will help to explain his or her difficulties with language courses (for example, high school transcripts, doctor’s evaluations, other letters of recommendation).

Students will be notified by the Chairperson of Foreign Languages if their petition has been approved or denied by the Review Committee by the end of the semester in which the complete petition was submitted. The Chairperson of Foreign Languages will also notify the Registrar’s Office and the student’s major Chairperson of the result. 

Foreign Language Requirement for International and Multilingual Students 

Any student who is proficient in a language other than English may satisfy the Bachelor of Arts Foreign Language Requirement by both: 

A. Demonstrating proficiency in English either through satisfactory performance on a proficiency examination administered by the English Department or by the completion of six semester hours in courses offered by the English Department, with grades of C or better, AND

B. One of the following three options:

1. Demonstrating proficiency in the native language either by graduation from a secondary school where instruction was commonly in the native language, OR

2. By the attainment of a score equivalent to advanced intermediate level (202) on the CLEP or NYU Foreign Language exam (see above)

Upon completion of (A) and (B) the student will be exempted from the Foreign Language requirement. Only the CLEP and NYU exams carry credit, exactly how much credit is specified above.

Free Electives

Free electives should be carefully selected to complement overall program goals. Please note that no more than 55 credits in a student’s major field may be counted toward graduation. Exceptions to this regulation may be made for certain  programs, but not for individual students.

Students may want to use free electives to broaden knowledge of subject areas that relate to their major programs, professional goals, or cultural interests. A student may want to consider using free electives to establish a second minor or,  together with other credits, to establish a second major.