Library Services
The library facility on Central Campus has been open since fall 2008, to rave reviews from students, faculty and the broader campus community. The entrance to the library is on the second floor of Building One, to the right at the top of the main staircase. The library includes:
- A combined circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan and reference desk where you can check out and return library materials, request resources from other libraries throughout the world, and get one-on-one research assistance from professional librarians.
- A core collection of over 100,000 high-quality scholarly books, periodicals and media, with access to another 150,000 volumes in nearby storage. This is in addition to access to an expanding collection of electronic resources covering the full array of academic disciplines.
- A fully-equipped high-tech classroom where librarians will provide orientation to the library’s resources and services, sessions on how to locate and use print and digital information, and subject-specific upper-division and graduate-level research instruction.
- Over 150 study seats, in a variety of forms – including collaborative workstations, lounge seating, study carrels, laptop tables, individual and group study tables, and two group study rooms where students can collaborate on class projects, gather in study groups, and meet for scholarly purposes.
- More than 50 computer workstations in a fully-networked and wireless environment, including adaptive technology workstations near the reference desk and in a quiet study room on the lower level.
- As part of the library, we have satellite study spaces in the Heritage Room of the Ellison Campus Center, at the South Campus lounge in the Academic Building, and on the second floor of the Central Campus facility – on the mezzanine and in the hallways.
- The Heritage Room, ECC 202 is a satellite library quiet study space. The room houses individual and group study tables, eight computers, and a few lounge chairs. This space is restricted to quiet study, and is available during all hours of library operation.
- The Central Campus mezzanine and second floor halls are library study areas for students who prefer more active, energized, not-so-quiet surroundings for study and research. The spaces feature lounge chairs, laptop/study tables, and twenty desktop computers networked to a printer in the library.
- The South Campus Academic Building Lounge has also been equipped as a satellite library study area with tables, lounge chairs, and nine desktop computers networked to printer.
- In the meantime, we are on the fast track in planning for a new library building on the North Campus that will bring all library collections, services and operations together – scheduled to be completed in 2012.
For the most up to date hours and information, see salemstate.edu/library.
Information Technology
In addition to the computer kiosks in the Commuter Lounge located in the Ellison Campus Center, there are four general-purpose open computer laboratories offered to the campus community which are maintained by the Information Technology Department. These labs are located in the following buildings:
Meier Hall 201 (North Campus)
Sullivan Building 111 (North Campus)
CC129 (Central Campus)
Harrington Building 100 (South Campus)
Lab hours are posted outside each lab as well as on the IT web page, hours may vary over holidays and during peak-usage periods. Typically, when the College is closed due to inclement weather, the labs will be also. A current Salem State College ClipperCard is required for admittance to all IT labs. All PC’s run on Windows XP. The computers are configured with standard software configurations based on academic need. Some applications may not be available in every lab due to software licensing costs. Please refer to the web page for lab specific software. Access to the college network is available from all labs. To find more information about IT and our Open Access and department computer labs visit us at salemstate.edu/labs
Information Technology also provides network support to the college residence halls. This support includes both wired connectivity in the rooms and wireless support in lounges and other public areas. Support for Resident Students may be obtained by emailing us at it-helpdesk@salemstate.edu
Wireless network access is provided in all buildings at the college as well as several outside locations. For more information about using a wireless device on campus as well as to sign up for service, please visit salemstate.edu/wireless. Information Technology also provides information and support for the College’s Laptop Initiative. For more information, please visit salemstate.edu/laptop
“Get Connected” to the online student services by visiting salemstate.edu/navigator where you will find help for logging in for the first time, forgotten password help, email activation, registration, add/drop, clipper card access, and WebCT access. Tutorials are also available here too.
ITS, Media Services
The Instructional Media Center supports faculty, students, and staff who wish to use presentation technology to enrich learning in teaching and instructional settings.
Media Services and Media Engineering offer operation training, repair, and troubleshooting of classroom equipment, and sign out of smaller sized portable equipment. Video Services offers a television studio, computer video editing, duplication of original Salem State College programs, and video field recordings.
Faculty may borrow laptop computers, classroom data projectors, camcorders, and still cameras. There are also video cameras and computer editing systems available for student use in course related projects.
Many classrooms come equipped with permanently installed data projectors, as well as DVD, VHS, and overhead projectors.
We also feature live, interactive videoconferences to distant sites, as well as a Screening Room for media presentations or video conferencing. We work closely with college areas and outside vendors in the design, installation, and upgrade of presentation technology in all classrooms and presentation areas.
Our staff is available for training and demonstrations on how to use Smart Boards, Video Conferencing, TV Studio, Video Editing, Camcorders, Tech Classrooms, and more. We work with the Center for Teaching Innovation in support of faculty training and support needs. We are eager to help you. Please contact the IMC Office (MH 120, 978.542.6260) or any of our staff for assistance and information.
Media Services hours of operation are:
Monday-Thursday |
8:30 am–10 pm |
Friday |
8:30 am–5 pm |
Evening Video Services assistance is available by appoinment. |
Center for International Education
The Center for International Education services for international students include: orientation, personal counseling, re-entry training, forums, workshops and individual advice on immigration, taxes, employment options, travel, and maintaining legal status. Advising on opportunities for study/travel abroad and an extensive overseas resource library are available. The center administers the Institutional TOEFL test several times a year and offers an English as a Second Language Program which prepares students for academic study and professional work. Students in the college’s graduate teaching programs often observe classes or complete practicum teaching within the program. The International Students Association and the CIE organize international dinners, cultural nights, speakers and other events for the college community. A newsletter is distributed.
For more information and assistance, contact the Center between 9 and 5 pm Monday through Friday, except holidays. The Center is located at 8 Harrison Road, South Campus, and the phone number is 978.542.6351; FAX number 978.542.7104.
Office for Students with Disabilities
The College is committed to providing appropriate services and accommodations that allow self identified students with disabilities to access all programs and activities at the college. Students are responsible for identifying themselves to the Office for Students with Disabilities’ staff and informing them of the need for specific services and accommodations.
The Office for Students with Disabilities provides academic support to students with all types of disability including: learning disability LD; mobility impairments; medical disability; blindness and visual impairments; deafness; psychiatric disability and traumatic brain injury TBI. For further information or to make an appointment, please call 978.542.6217, Voice or 978.542.7146 TTY.
The Writing Center (MH220) provides students with individualized assistance in writing. Tutors in the Center focus each session on a student’s particular writing needs, which can range from basic grammatical problems to broader concerns, such as planning a format or developing an approach to a particular writing task.
Students are welcome to use the Center’s computers to compose, revise, and edit their writing or to conduct online research. The computers are available on a first come, first serve basis. Laser printing is available.
The Center operates either by appointment or on a walk-in basis. If a tutor is not immediately available, arrangements will be made for a tutoring conference as soon as possible.
Students who confront writing problems in any of their courses or who anticipate difficulties with required written work are urged to make use of the Writing Center. The Center will also assist students who simply want to develop their writing abilities more fully. For further information, contact the Writing Center at 978-542-6491, or visit the Center’s Web site at www.salemstate.edu/writingcenter.
College Bookstore
The College Bookstore is located on Central Campus. In addition to textbooks and supplies needed for courses at Salem State College, the bookstore also has computer software, paperback books, stationery, greeting cards, assorted gifts and various clothing items.
For further information, and hours of operation visit salemstate.edu/3529.php or contact the Bookstore at 978.741.3808.
The College Bookstore is located on Central Campus. In addition to textbooks and supplies needed for courses at Salem State College, the bookstore also has computer software, paperback books, stationery, greeting cards, assorted gifts and various clothing items.
For further information, and hours of operation contact the Bookstore at 978-542-3808.
Health Insurance
Graduate students registered for a minimum of 9 credits hours or more are required to produce evidence that they are covered by a qualified student health insurance program. Uninsured students must purchase health insurance from a program available through the college, or purchase a health benefits program with comparable coverage with a carrier of their choice and furnish evidence of this coverage to the Registrar before registration. The health insurance waiver is on the course registration form. Individual and family coverage is available through the college plan. For further information, students may call the Health Services Office, or the Bursar’s office.
Campus Police Escort Service
The Salem State Police provides a personal safety escort service which is available to all members of the Salem State College community.
Occasionally, situations may arise where the Salem State Police are unable to respond immediately to your request. The dispatcher will advise at the time of your call of any expected delays. If your escort has not arrived after a reasonable time, please all again. When you request an escort, please provide the dispatcher with your name and exact location.
The Department of Public Safety is committed to the goals of providing a safe, efficient and courteous escort service. Therefore, certain restrictions must be placed on this service. The escort service is not designed to:
Provide transportation to/from places of employment, restaurants, taverns, airports, mass-transit, etc.
Provide transportation for large groups or persons intoxicated or otherwise exhibiting obnoxious behavior.
If the Salem State Police are unable to provide an escort for any reason, a telephone will be made available to you to arrange for alternative transportation, such as a taxi.
The following areas are available for student parking:
- O’Keefe Center Parking Lot on Canal Street near the North Campus
- Peabody Hall Parking Lot
- South Campus on lower level
- Central Campus
Parking stickers may be obtained through the Office of Public Safety. A fee is charged. Emergency temporary registration may be made at Public Safety. Parking zones reserved for handicapped persons, visitors, or guests are clearly designated.
Shuttle Service
see salemstate.edu/5751.php for complete shuttle schedule.
Train and Bus Information
Salem State College is easily accessible by train and by MBTA buses running from Boston, Lynn, Beverly and downtown Salem. For train and bus schedules go to mbta.com or call the MBTA Traveler’s Information Center at 617.222.3200 or 1.800.392.6100.
Cancellation of Classes
In case of a severe storm or hazardous driving conditions classes may be cancelled. Notification will be given on the following:
For college closings and delayed openings:
WBZ-TV Channel 4
WCVB-TV Channel 5
WHDH-TV Channel 7
FOX Channel 25
WLVI-TV Channel 56
NewsRadio AM 1030
Delayed Opening
Regardless of media reports, a delayed opening means classes and work begin at 11 am.
Evening and Weekend Policy
Every effort will be made to make the decision for evening classes no later than 1 pm
Please note: If decision to cancel day classes is publicized this does not mean evening classes are cancelled. Please check local media, the college’s Web site or call 978.542.6000 after 1 pm for information regarding evening classes.
The decision for Saturday classes will be made by 6 am if possible.
When the campus is closed, all weekend and evening activities are canceled.
Further information about cancellation of events will be available at the college’s Web site or by calling the department sponsoring or running the event. It is NOT advised to rely on media outlets for this type of notice.Decisions to close the Library on weekend days will be made by the Dean, Library. Decisions on College weekend or evening events should be directed to the Department sponsoring or running the event. It is NOT advised to rely on media outlets for this type of notice. Students are requested not to call Campus Police or the School of Graduate Studies Office for this information. Students should make their own judgment about hazardous driving conditions in the area.
Student Suggestions
Salem State College School of Graduate Studies wishes to be responsive to student needs. If there is a course or program you would like to see offered, please write to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. We welcome your suggestions.
Special Note
The School of Graduate Studies reserves the right to discontinue any course for which there is insufficient enrollment, to combine classes, to restrict the registration in a course, to reschedule a course, to section and provide additional instructors for any course which is deemed overcrowded, when necessary to change instructors, and to take other necessary administrative actions.
Responsibility Statement
Students are responsible for all information given in the latest catalog and also, for all published and posted regulations, procedures and changes. No deviations from any graduate regulations are permissible unless they are approved first by the appropriate academic department, program coordinator and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
Policy Changes
Changes in institutional policies referenced in this publication may be made periodically by the appropriate governing bodies. All policies contained herein are subject to those changes at the time they are designated as effective.
Counseling & Health Services
^Top |
The Counseling & Health Services Department provides a comprehensive range of services designed to assist students in staying healthy.
Counseling Services has professionally trained staff who view personal concerns as a normal part of the growth process. Counseling is designed to help students solve problems and reduce the physical and emotional stresses which may interfere with academic or personal goals. Students frequently seek counseling for family or relationship difficulties, alcohol and drug use, depression or anxiety.
All services are available in a comfortable and confidential environment without charge to Salem State College students. Appropriate community referrals are provided when necessary.
Suite 107, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
978.542.7121 Fax
Fall & Spring Semester Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Urgent Care Walk-in 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Summer and Semester Breaks
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Please call for walk-in hours during summer & semester breaks. Ellison Campus Center, Room 107
978.542.6410/6413 salemstate.edu/CHS
Career Services
The mission of the Office of Career Services is to offer comprehensive career planning support to all members of the Salem State College community (undergraduate, graduate students and alumni/ae) in identifying, planning and implementing thoughtful career decisions. We are committed to helping students and alumni/ae gain skills which they will be able to utilize throughout their lifetime, empowering our clientele to proactively manage their own career path.
Our counseling and programmatic services encompass all stages of the career development process remaining sensitive to the influence of personal development concerns. We assist clients in conducting thorough self assessment (clarifying values, interests, skills and personality preferences), provide access (print and technical) to occupational, job search, current labor market and graduate school information through our comprehensive Career Resource Center. Additionally we teach job search skills and strategies which enable students and alumni/ae to conduct successful targeted job searches. We seek to collaborate with employers to cultivate strong relationships resulting in challenging employment opportunities for students and alumni/ae while satisfying employer needs.
Ellison Campus Center
978.542.6406 salemstate.edu/careersvs
The Richard B. O’Keefe Physical Education/Athletic Center, opened in 1976, is one of the largest facilities of its kind among colleges and universities in Massachusetts. Its different facilities—ranging from an ice arena, basketball courts, dance studio, tennis courts, swimming pool, sports medicine facility, and Wellness Center—are the bases for improving the academic and athletic excellence of Salem State College. Student fees and generated revenues support a schedule of use covering seven days per week, twelve months of the year. Normal operating hours are 7 am till 9:30 pm, Monday through Friday, and 12 till 9:30 pm on weekends. During the summer the Center is open 9 am - 5 pm on weekdays. Proper identification is always required.
Preschool Program
The purpose of the Preschool is to provide a high quality, early childhood education program to children 2.9 years to five years old. First started in 1970, the Preschool program and is based on developmentally appropriate practices influenced by the Reggio curriculum philosophy. It maintains high standards including low teacher/ child ratios (1:6), small group size (15 children) and high educational and training requirements for staff. Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in the Preschool.
The Preschool also serves as a laboratory school by providing Salem State students and faculty opportunities for observations, projects and research. The program also offers part time employment opportunities as Teacher Assistants for Salem State students. The Preschool is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
For further information, see our web site at salemstate.edu/3600.php