Required Option Sequence
(typically taken junior or early senior year)
- † CSC ____ _________________________________ __ ______
- † CSC ____ _________________________________ __ ______
Options Sequences:
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Option: ,
Computation Theory Option: CSC290 ,
Computer Networking and Security Option: ,
Embedded Systems Option: ,
Object Oriented Programming Option: ,
Parallel Computing Option: ,
Software Engineering Option: ,
Additional Information and Notes
* These are required support courses which may also be used to satisfy the indicated Distribution requirements. A student may choose to fulfill Distribution requirements with courses other than the ones listed, but these listed courses must still be taken.
Note: If a course is used to satisfy two or more requirements, (for example, a support course and a distribution elective), the credits are counted in only one place. Using a course to satisfy more than one requirement does not reduce the total credits required for graduation.
‡ A laboratory science sequence chosen from the following list is a required support ingredient for the Computer and Information Studies major: BIO 131 -BIO 132 , CHE 130 -CHE 131 , CHE 130 -CHE 212 , PHS 211A -PHS 212A , PHS 221 -PHS 222 , GLS 100 -GLS 102 . The chosen sequence may also be used to satisfy the Division II laboratory science sequence requirement.
+ This support science course is in addition to the lab science sequence and must be chosen from the following list: BIO 131 , CHE 130 , CHE 212 , GPH 101P , GLS 100 , GLS 102 , PHS 211A , PHS 221 . The chosen course may also be used as a Division II distribution elective.
♦ At least one CSC elective must be numbered 290 or above.
† At least one of the Option courses or one of the CSC electives MUST be chosen from the following list of courses using a programming language other than the one used in the CSC 201J -CSC 202J sequence: CSC 245A , CSC 273 ,
CSC 311 ,
Exceptions in the timing of courses will be made for transfer students.